Top pool builders Wiener Neustadt

Characteristics and uniqueness of Wiener Neustadt construction pools

Building a swimming pool in Wiener Neustadt requires a tailored approach to suit both the local climate and the specific needs of homeowners. The process starts with careful site selection and design, factoring in the region’s weather conditions and the desired functionality of the pool. Builders here are experts in creating pools that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also energy-efficient, often incorporating eco-friendly heating systems to combat the chilly winters. Local builders use high-quality materials like reinforced concrete or fiberglass to ensure durability and long-lasting performance. One of the unique features of pool construction in Wiener Neustadt is the focus on seamless integration with the surrounding landscape, whether it’s a sleek modern design or a more natural, lagoon-style pool. Builders also offer personalized options such as custom lighting, water features, and advanced filtration systems, making each pool a unique addition to the property.

The best pool builders in Wiener Neustadt

If you are looking for a reliable company to build your swimming pool, here are the pool builders in Wiener Neustadt to choose from:

Firmenidentifikation Telefone Dienstleistung Adresse
Gabi Fraiß +43 2622 22040 - Fischauer G. 132, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Pool Oase +43 664 5414424 Services: General repairs & maintenance, General construction, Design, Cleaning, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Guards, Alles aus einer Hand - von der Planung bis zur Fertigstellung, Poolbau, Schwimmbadsanierungungen, Schwimmbadüberdachungen, Poolheizung, Whirlpool, Infrarotkabine, Sauna Steinabrücklerstraße 44, 2752 Wöllersdorf, Austria
Aqua Nova +43 2622 89000 - Ferdinand-Graf-von-Zeppelin-Straße 12, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Poolservice Austria - Peter Zimmel +43 2623 20502 Services: Vacuuming, Wall brushing, Filter cleaning, Tile brushing, Netting, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Abpumpen, Betreuung, Desinfektion, Entkalken, Folieren, Nasssaugen, Schwimmbadfolie erneuern, Schwimmbadfolie verlegen Gewerbezone Ebenfurth 8, 2490 Ebenfurth, Austria
Happy-pool RW Group Austria Produktions- und Handelsgesellschaft mbH +43 2236 611280 - Ricoweg 2, 2351 Wiener Neudorf, Austria
WTG-Wassertechnik +43 2630 20444 - Triester Str. 23, 2630 Ternitz, Austria
Bed & Pool Wr. Neustadt +43 699 41550303 - Fischauer G. 27, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Sun Spa Whirlpool Wiener Neustadt +43 2622 42635 - Maria Theresien-Weg 3, 2751 Wöllersdorf-Steinabrückl, Austria
Steiner Poolplanung +43 664 1018071 - Pielgasse 36, 7210 Mattersburg, Austria

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