Top pool cleaning service Vienna
Climatic characteristics of Vienna throughout the year and common difficulties in maintaining Vienna pools
Vienna experiences a temperate climate with distinct seasons, making pool maintenance a year-round task. Winters can be harsh, with temperatures often dropping below freezing, which requires pool owners to properly winterize their pools to prevent freezing pipes and equipment damage. Snowfall can also bring a buildup of debris, adding extra work in the colder months. When summer rolls around, temperatures can reach 30°C (86°F), creating the perfect environment for algae growth and increasing the demand for regular cleaning. Pools also need constant monitoring to maintain water balance, as rain and fluctuating temperatures can affect the pool’s chemistry. In the spring and fall, falling leaves and pollen often clog skimmers and filters, demanding frequent attention. Overall, maintaining a pool in Vienna means staying on top of both temperature changes and debris, while also keeping an eye on the pool's overall cleanliness and water quality through every season.

The best pool cleaning services in Vienna
If you are looking for a reliable company to take care of your pool, here are some options for cleaning services in Vienna:
Company Name | Contact number | Services | Contact address |
JANDL POOL | +43 1 2588181 | Services: General repairs & maintenance, Fiberglass swimming pool construction, Jetted lap pool construction, Inground pool installation, Swimming pool water feature construction, Design, Spa & hot tub installation, Custom Swimming pool design, Swimming pool resurfacing, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Spezialist für Fliesen und Mosaikbecken | Am langen Felde 31, 1220 Wien, Austria |
Sauberwasser GmbH Pool- und Teichreinigung | +43 660 3422754 | Services: Filter cleaning, Swimming pool summerization, Vacuuming, Wall brushing, Winterization, Teichreinigung, Poolservice, Poolreinigung, Teichservice, Terassenservice | Bachgasse 5, 2332 Hennersdorf bei Wien, Austria |
clean up 360 Pool & Gebäudeservice | +43 664 2480664 | Services: Vacuuming, Wall brushing, Filter cleaning, Tile brushing, Netting, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Water treatment, Abpumpen, Betreuung, Folieren, Gebäudeservice, Pool service, Poolreinigung, Reinigung, Schwimmbadfolie erneuern, Schwimmbadfolie verlegen, Sonderreinigung, pool | Hamsterweg 8, 2230 Gänserndorf, Austria |
Poolservice Austria - Peter Zimmel | +43 2623 20502 | Services: Vacuuming, Wall brushing, Filter cleaning, Tile brushing, Netting, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Abpumpen, Betreuung, Desinfektion, Entkalken, Folieren, Nasssaugen, Schwimmbadfolie erneuern, Schwimmbadfolie verlegen | Gewerbezone Ebenfurth 8, 2490 Ebenfurth, Austria |
Pool + Wellness City GmbH | +43 2246 80420 | Services: Above ground pool installation, Cleaning, Custom Swimming pool design, Design, Fiberglass swimming pool construction, General repairs & maintenance, Swimming pool summerization, Swimming pool equipment maintenance, Swimming pool equipment repair, Swimming pool water analysis, Winterization, Poolbau, Poolplanung, GFK-Pool, Folienauskleidung Pool, Pooltechnik, Poolchemie, Reparatur von BWT Poolrobotern | Brünner Str. 186, 2201 Gerasdorf bei Wien, Austria |
Poolreinigung-Poolfolien-Poolfektion | +43 660 7399918 | Services: Power/pressure washing | Josef Drapela-Straße 15, 2231 Strasshof an der Nordbahn, Austria |
PoolSache - Patrick Schober | +43 676 5337989 | Services: Vacuuming, Wall brushing, Filter cleaning, Tile brushing, Leaf traps, Netting, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Water treatment | Franz Thronergasse 17, 2325 Himberg bei Wien, Austria |
Schwimmbecken AUSTRIA POOL Verkauf und Sanierung | +43 680 4035513 | Services: General repairs & maintenance, Fiberglass swimming pool construction, Jetted lap pool construction, Inground pool installation, Custom Swimming pool design, Swimming pool resurfacing, Above ground pool installation, Swimming pool crack repair, Swimming pool equipment repair, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Folienauskleidung für pools, Poolheizung, Poolabdeckung, Ceramicpools, Polyesterpool, Vinylester Pools, Pooltransporte, Poolfolie, Poolauskleidung, Folienauskleidung, Poolsanierung | Simmeringer Hauptstraße 91, 1110 Wien, Austria |
Happy-pool RW Group Austria Produktions- und Handelsgesellschaft mbH | +43 2236 611280 | Ricoweg 2, 2351 Wiener Neudorf, Austria | |
Royal Clean | Services: Office & workplace cleaning, Deep clean, Standard cleaning, Moving-related cleaning, Grünflächenbetreuung ab, Seilkletterarbeiten, Höhenarbeiten, Seilarbeiten, Industriekletterer, Unterhaltsreinigung, Winterdienst ab, Wohnungsreinigung, Interior & exterior window cleaning, Upholstery cleaning | Einzingergasse 4/1, 1210 Wien, Austria | |
Teichsauger e.U. | +43 660 3422754 | Services: Swimming pool summerization, Vacuuming, Wall brushing, Filter cleaning, Netting, Tile brushing, Winterization | Waldgasse 24a/2, 2201 Gerasdorf bei Wien, Austria |
Noll GmbH garden pool construction - pool construction | +43 2239 34774 | Hirschentanzstraße 11, 2384 Breitenfurt bei Wien, Austria | |
BETA Wellness - Showroom Vösendorf | +43 1 6981334 | Services: Whirlpool, Swim Spa, Indoor Whirlpools, Zubehör, Finanzierung, JACUZZI®, Outdoor Whirlpools, Treesse Ghost™, Treesse GhostPlus™, BETA ECO Spa, BETA Dampfdusche, Saunen, Velden Indoor, Velden Outdoor, Amadé-Spiegelglassauna, Indoor Sauna, Outdoor Sauna, Zubehör Produkte, Dampfduschen, Spa & hot tub installation, Swim Spa, DualTemp, MIRNA Swim-Spa, UNIQUE, CoverMotion, Swimmingpools, Pools, Poolbau | Wien AT, Marktstraße 19, 2331 Vösendorf, Austria |
Werner Weinegger SHARKPOOLS | +43 2236 31105 | Heugasse 4, 2345 Brunn am Gebirge, Austria | |
RÖDER SCHWIMMBADBAU | +43 1 2035519 | Kagraner Pl. 45, 1220 Wien, Austria | |
Cranpool Center Vienna-Vösendorf | +43 1 6994676 | Schönbrunner Allee 63, 2331 Vösendorf, Austria | |
Pool und Garten- Pool & Poolüberdachungen | +43 664 1819364 | Services: Überlaufpool, Skimmerpool, Edelstahlpool | Kapellerfelder Str. 63, 2201 Gerasdorf bei Wien, Austria |
Pool & Wellness Reuschel GmbH | +43 2239 2735 | Laaber Str. 49, 2384 Breitenfurt bei Wien, Austria | |
Clean und Care Reinigungsfirma | +43 676 7840096 | Services: Office & workplace cleaning, Deep clean, Standard cleaning, Moving-related cleaning, Bauendreinigung, Baureinigung, Winterdienste, Interior & exterior window cleaning | Leystraße 35a, 1200 Wien, Austria |
HK Poolbau | +43 699 14294979 | Services: Inground pool installation, Design, Swimming pool summerization, Aushub, Baumeisterarbeiten Pool, Beratung und Planung, Betonierung, Einbau des Polyester-Schwimmbeckens, Erstellung eines Technikschachtes, Hinterfüllen mit Magerbeton, Hinterfüllen mit Styroporbeton, Novoceram Feinsteinzeugplatten, Poolbau, Poolumrandung, Schwimmbadbau, gesiebte Erde, inklusive Einreichpläne (falls erforderlich) | Föhrenweg 1, Gewerbeparkstraße bei, 2282 Markgrafneusiedl, Austria |
ARMSTARK Whirlpools, Swim Spas, Saunen & Infrarotkabinen | +43 1 5488090 | Services: ARMSTARK Logistik, Beratungstermine auch außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten, Ersatzteilgarantie, über 70.000 zufriedene Kund*innen, Online-Zubehörshop, Premium Kundendienst, Probebaden, Probeschwimmen, Servicehotline, Wartungsservice, Whirlpoolversicherung, kostenlose individuelle Beratung | Altmannsdorfer Str. 153, 1230 Wien, Austria |
Wallnerpool Pools & Poolüberdachungen Zentrale Auersthal | +43 2288 2229 | Services: General repairs & maintenance, General construction | Bahnstraße 28, 2214 Auersthal, Austria |
Aria GmbH | +43 664 2041481 | Services: General repairs & maintenance, Fiberglass swimming pool construction, Jetted lap pool construction, Inground pool installation, Swimming pool water feature construction, General construction, Design, Spa & hot tub installation, Custom Swimming pool design, Swimming pool resurfacing, Above ground pool installation, Cleaning, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization | Schusterstraße 10K, 2482 Münchendorf, Austria |
Duscher jun. GmbH | +43 2245 20221 | Services: General construction, Custom Swimming pool design, Design, General repairs & maintenance, Swimming pool summerization, Swimming pool equipment repair, Swimming pool water analysis, Winterization, Folienverlegung, Kostenvoranschläge Online | Schleinbacher Str., 2122 Ulrichskirchen, Austria |
BambasekPool | +43 676 4659122 | Services: Pools, Schwimmbecken, Wärmepumpe, Solar, Überdachung, Abdeckung, Duschen, Service, Sandwechsel, Reparaturen, Einwintern, Komplettbetreuung | Anzengrubergasse 16, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria |
Biotop P&P International GmbH | +43 2243 30406 | Hauptstraße 285, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria | |
Installateur Wasserperle e.U. | +43 660 2020589 | Services: Faucet installation, Plumbing leak detection, Shower installation, Toilet installation, Water heater installation, Plumbing pipe repair, Toilet repair, Faucet repair, Drain cleaning, Garbage disposal installation, Sump pump installation, Water tank installation, Sewer cleaning, Sewer repair, Shower repair, Plumbing leak repair, Pool plumbing repair, Water heater repair, Outdoor plumbing system repair, Water tank repair, Vekauf und Montage von Wärmepumpen sowie Brauchwasserwärmepumpen, Installation von Ober-und Unterwasserpumpen für geschlagene, gegrabene und gebohrte Brunnen, Planung und Montage von Bewässerungsanlagen, Installation von Wärmepumpen Vaillant, LG, Bosch, Viessmann, IDM,, Installation von Kombithermen Baxi, Vaillant, Junkers, Bosch, Saunier Duval, Installation von Scheitholzkessel/ Pelletskessel Fröling, Hargassner, Reparatur von Thermen | Guntherstraße 9, 1150 Wien, Austria |
Orloffs Professionelle Fensterreinigung, Wien & Umgebung | +43 664 5424603 | Services: Interior & exterior window cleaning, External shade blinds, High-pressure cleaning, Private Houses, Private apartments, Professional Window Cleaning Training, Professional Window CleaningTools | |
Poolshop-schrenk | +43 699 10734828 | ||
Desina GmbH | +43 2243 21743 | Services: Schwimmbadbau, Schwimmbadabdeckung, Poolabdeckung, Poolbau | Wr. Str. 176, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria |
Rossmann H. Ing. Warenhandel GmbH | +43 2236 43058 | Südtiroler G. 17a, 2340 Mödling, Austria | |
Stark Wellness | Whirlpool & Sauna | Pergola | Schauraum Wien | +43 1 3772211 | Brünner Str. 115-119, 2201 Gerasdorf bei Wien, Austria | |
AQASTEEL-Edelstahlpool | +43 660 7353254 | Services: General construction, Design, Edelstahlpool Neubau, Edelstahlpool Sanierung, Planung | Industriestraße A C 1, 2345 Brunn am Gebirge, Austria |
Tiptop Installateur Wien | +43 676 7006439 | Services: Faucet installation, Plumbing leak detection, Shower installation, Toilet installation, Water heater installation, Plumbing pipe repair, Toilet repair, Faucet repair, Drain cleaning, Garbage disposal installation, Sump pump installation, Water tank installation, Sewer cleaning, Sewer repair, Shower repair, Garbage disposal repair, Plumbing leak repair, Sump pump repair, Pool plumbing repair, Water heater repair, Outdoor plumbing system repair | Löwengasse 8, 1030 Wien, Austria |
BM Gas Wasser Heizung | +43 1 9721074 | Services: Faucet installation, Plumbing leak detection, Shower installation, Toilet installation, Water heater installation, Plumbing pipe repair, Toilet repair, Faucet repair, Drain cleaning, Garbage disposal installation, Sump pump installation, Water tank installation, Sewer repair, Shower repair, Garbage disposal repair, Plumbing leak repair, Pool plumbing repair, Water heater repair, Outdoor plumbing system repair, Water tank repair, Thermentausch, Thermenwartung Kamin-Therme, Thermenwartung Brennwert-Therme, Thermenwartung Durchlauferhitzer, Thermenservice, Thermenstörungsbehebung, Thermenwartung für Vaillant Geräte, Thermenwartung für Baxi Geräte, Thermenwartung für Junkers Geräte, Thermenwartung für Saunier Duval Geräte, Thermenwartung für Buderus Geräte, Thermenwartung für Viessmann Geräte, Thermenwartung für Wolf Geräte, Repair HVAC, Heating system installation, HVAC duct & vent installation, Install thermostat, Thermostat installation, Install AC, HVAC duct & vent cleaning, Heating system repair, HVAC duct & vent repair, HVAC system repair, Thermostat repair, Ductless heating & A/C services, Heating system maintenance, HVAC system maintenance | Zehetnergasse 12, 1140 Wien, Austria |
GTS Global Trade Systems GmbH | +43 699 17572000 | Landstraßer Hauptstraße 67, 1030 Wien, Austria | |
Alpha Installationen KG | +43 664 3507393 | Services: Installateur, Sanitärtechnik, Heizung, Wasser, Sanierung, Installateur-Notdienst, Bathtub replacement, Bathtub repair, Bathtub installation, Bathtub refinishing, Shower refinishing, Bathroom countertop resurfacing, Plumbing fixture installation, Furniture assembly, Bathtub reglazing, Repair water fixtures, Drywall installation | Steinhagegasse 10/3/6, 1120 Wien, Austria |
Ihr Installateur Bozogul KG | +43 1 9977080 | Services: Drain cleaning, Faucet installation, Plumbing leak detection, Shower installation, Garbage disposal installation, Sump pump installation, Toilet installation, Water heater installation, Water tank installation, Sewer cleaning, Sewer repair, Shower repair, Garbage disposal repair, Plumbing leak repair, Plumbing pipe repair, Sump pump repair, Pool plumbing repair, Toilet repair, Water heater repair, Faucet repair, Outdoor plumbing system repair, Water tank repair, Gasthermenwartung, Installateur Wien, 24h Notdienst, Plumbing, Water removal | Steinbauergasse 20/4, 1120 Wien, Austria |
Pronto Vasic GmbH | Wien | +43 1 2661220 | Services: Unterhaltsreinigung, Fensterreinigung, Grünflächen Betreuung, Schneeräumung | Salomongasse 1, 1210 Wien, Austria |
absolut grün | +43 676 6505734 | Services: Outdoor water feature design, Yard designs, Gardening services, Garden decorating, Garden design, Garden landscaping, Backyard landscaping, Walkway landscaping, Driveway landscaping, Grass seeding, Custom landscape design, Pond maintenance, Landscape architecture services, Landscape installations, Landscape design construction, Driveway or walkway paving, Grading & resloping, Lawn care, Turf management, Sod installation, Patio design, Naturpools, Schwimmteich | Auf der Ried 15, 2320 Schwechat, Austria |