Top pool cleaning service Wels

Climatic characteristics of Wels throughout the year and common difficulties in maintaining Wels pools

Hey there! Wels, Austria, has a pretty typical Central European climate—think warm summers and chilly winters. Summers hit around 77°F, perfect for pool time, but you get a fair bit of rain, especially in June. Winters drop to about 25°F, with snow piling up and everything freezing over. Spring and fall are mild, though they swing between rainy and crisp days. Keeping a pool clean here isn’t always a walk in the park. Summer rain drags in dirt and leaves, so you’re skimming nonstop. Then there’s the pollen—ugh, it’s everywhere in spring. Come winter, you’ve got to winterize like a pro or risk cracked pipes from the freeze. Algae love the wet, warm spells too, so you’re always balancing chemicals. It’s manageable, but you’ve got to stay on top of it year-round!

The best pool cleaning services in Wels

If you are looking for a reliable company to take care of your pool, here are some options for cleaning services in Wels:

Firmenidentifikation Telefone Dienstleistung Adresse
Wachter Pools +43 7242 70337 Services: General repairs & maintenance, Jetted lap pool construction, Inground pool installation, Custom Swimming pool design, Swimming pool resurfacing, Above ground pool installation, Cleaning, Swimming pool crack repair, Swimming pool equipment repair, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Swimming pool equipment maintenance, Swimming pool water analysis, Reparatur von Schwimmbadüberdachungen, Verkauf von Chemikalien, Verkauf von Schwimmbadabeckungen aller Art Salzburger Str. 196, 4600 Wels, Austria
"Drack" Kopta & Kopta GmbH +43 7242 42779 Services: Sauna, Dampfbäder, Infrarotkabinen, Abdeckung, Chemie, Poolbau, Pooltechnik, Dosieranlagen, Dom Abdeckungen, Wärmepumpen, Solaranlagen, Wasseraufbereitung, Poolheizung, Poolsanierung, Techniksanierung, Energiesparen, Wasseranalyse, Pool Service, Automatisierung Salzburger Str. 164, 4600 Wels, Austria
Parzer Schwimmbad Solartechnik GmbH +43 7242 72418 Services: General repairs & maintenance, General construction, Swimming pool summerization Oberfeldstraße 35, 4600 Wels, Austria
BETA Wellness - Oberösterreich +43 660 6660064 Services: Whirlpool, Swim Spa, Indoor Whirlpools, Zubehör, Finanzierung, JACUZZI®, Outdoor-Whirlpools, Treesse Ghost™, Treesse GhostPlus™, BETA Dampfdusche, BETA ECO Spa, Saunen, Velden Indoor, Velden Outdoor, Amadé-Spiegelglassauna, Indoor Sauna, Outdoor Sauna, Zubehör Produkte, Dampfduschen, Spa & hot tub installation, DualTemp, MIRNA Swim-Spa, UNIQUE, CoverMotion, Swimmingpools, Pools, Poolbau Franz-Zola-Straße 7, 4600 Wels, Austria
Zeba-Pool +43 664 9271677 - Johann-Strauß-Straße 46, 4600 Wels, Austria
Maurer Helmuth Schwimmbadtechnik GmbH +43 7243 58028 - Eiselsbergstraße 2, 4614 Marchtrenk, Austria
Poolservice Austria - Peter Zimmel +43 2623 20502 Services: Vacuuming, Wall brushing, Filter cleaning, Tile brushing, Netting, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Abpumpen, Betreuung, Desinfektion, Entkalken, Folieren, Nasssaugen, Schwimmbadfolie erneuern, Schwimmbadfolie verlegen Gewerbezone Ebenfurth 8, 2490 Ebenfurth, Austria +43 681 81226764 Services: Poolroboter Reparatur Weiherstraße 44, 4600 Thalheim bei Wels, Austria
Cranpool Center Wels +43 7242 606300 - Linzer Str. 78, 4600 Wels, Austria
Polyfaser Mario Gerhart +43 664 8539308 - Salzburger Str. 189, 4600 Wels, Austria
Niki Clean +43 677 64769029 Services: Deep clean, Interior & exterior window cleaning, Moving-related cleaning, Office & workplace cleaning, Standard cleaning, Baureinigung, Gartendienst, Gebäudereinigung, Hofreinigung, Industriereinigung, KFZ-Reinigung, KanalService, Kleintransport, Pool-Reinigung, Sommerdienst und Winterdienst, Wohnungsreinigung -
HRP Produktions GesmbH +43 7242 73210 - Oberfeldstraße 35, 4600 Wels, Austria
IPoR - Innovativer Poolbau Ritzberger GmbH +43 7272 3724 Services: General repairs & maintenance, General construction, Design, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Swimming pool water analysis Nikola-Tesla-Straße 10, 4070 Eferding, Austria
PoolService Aigner +43 699 10338363 Services: Standard cleaning, Pool Reinigung M.T.S, Wildgasse 27, 2601 Eggendorf, Austria
HB-Schwimmbadtechnik Blamauer +43 7242 219949 - Mittelhof, links, Dragonerstraße 44/250, 4600 Wels, Austria
Aqua-team Humenberger GmbH +43 7243 50650 - Bernsteinstraße 22, 4611 Oberperwend, Austria
TOPPOOLS - the poolside of life! Pools & Überdachung & Sanierung - Services: Vacuuming, Wall brushing, Filter cleaning, Leaf traps, Netting, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Pool folieren, Poolbau, Poolinstallation, Poolsanierung, Poolschulung, General repairs & maintenance, Design, Dosieranlagen, Folienpools, Polyesterpool, Polypropylenpools, Salz und Chlor, Webshop für Pool und Zubehör, Wärmepumpe oder Wärmetauscher, Poolsets, Überdachung oder Abdeckung Pörtschach am Berg 2, 9063 Maria Saal, Austria
Happy-pool Zentrale OÖ +43 7588 74000 Services: General repairs & maintenance, Inground pool installation, Swimming pool water feature construction, Design, Spa & hot tub installation, Custom Swimming pool design, Swimming pool resurfacing, Above ground pool installation, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Swimming pool water analysis Großendorf 66, 4551 Großendorf, Austria
Aslan & Pool service +43 660 2767807 - Bahnhofstraße 52, 4614 Marchtrenk, Austria
ARMSTARK Whirlpools, Swim Spas, Saunen & Infrarotkabinen +43 7243 574570 Services: ARMSTARK Logistik, Beratungstermine auch außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten, Ersatzteilgarantie, über 70.000 zufriedene Kund*innen, Online-Zubehörshop, Premium Kundendienst, Probebaden, Probeschwimmen, Servicehotline, Wartungsservice, Whirlpoolversicherung, kostenlose individuelle Beratung Welser Str. 55, 4614 Marchtrenk, Austria
BTS Pool +43 7229 79800 Services: General repairs & maintenance, Jetted lap pool construction, Inground pool installation, General construction, Design, Custom Swimming pool design, Swimming pool resurfacing, Above ground pool installation, Cleaning, Swimming pool crack repair, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Swimming pool water analysis, Beratung, Planung, Ausführung, #allesauseinerhand Eisenstraße 9, 4502 St. Marien, Austria
Schanza Pool und Poolabdeckungen +43 664 5047004 - Roseggerstraße 81, 4614 Marchtrenk, Austria
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POLYTHERM Kunststoff- und Metalltechnik Gesellschaft m.b.H. +43 7732 38110 Services: General repairs & maintenance, General construction, Design, Cleaning, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization Pesendorf 10, 4675 Weibern, Austria
Pool Abdeckungen MM-Poolplanen +43 676 7557555 - Barockstraße 7, 4616 Weißkirchen an der Traun, Austria
Schwimmbadreiniger +43 676 4712271 Services: Absaugen, Bürstenreinigung der Wände, Poolreinigung, Fliesenreinigung mit Bürsten, Reinigung mit Netzen, Vorbereitung auf die Saison, Vorbereitung auf den Winter Gauermannstraße 12, 3011 Irenental, Austria
Happy-pool RW Group Austria Produktions- und Handelsgesellschaft mbH +43 2236 611280 - Ricoweg 2, 2351 Wiener Neudorf, Austria
Poolreinigung-Poolfolien-Poolfektion +43 660 7399918 Services: Power/pressure washing Josef Drapela-Straße 15, 2231 Strasshof an der Nordbahn, Austria
Poolwelt- Schwimmbäder mit Ideen +43 7683 70213 - Lessigen 17, 4873 Frankenburg am Hausruck, Austria
Blackpool +43 660 9291333 Services: Poolbau Am Weinberg 6, 4600 Thalheim bei Wels, Austria
Green Maker +43 660 1440300 Services: Lawn mowing & maintenance, Fencing installation, Yard work, Grass seeding, Hedge trimming, Landscape design, Mulching, Lawn pest control, Irrigation system repair & maintenance, Sod installation, Weed control, Rasenmähen, Baumpflege, Pool Reinigung, Hochdruckreinigung, Grünanlagenpflege, House Sitting, Shop, Verkauf von Pflanzen, Gartengestaltung Otto-Teufelberger-Straße 62, 4600 Wels, Austria
HotSpring Whirlpools Flagship Store +43 7246 80246 Services: Verkauf, Beratung, Reparatur von eigenen Marken, Verkauf von Zubehör, Technischer Support Nelkenstraße 12, 4623 Gunskirchen, Austria
Pooldachwerk GmbH +43 660 2023412 - Wolframstraße 10b/Top 18, 4611 Buchkirchen, Austria
PoolSache - Patrick Schober +43 676 5337989 Services: Vacuuming, Wall brushing, Filter cleaning, Tile brushing, Leaf traps, Netting, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Water treatment Franz Thronergasse 17, 2325 Himberg bei Wien, Austria
Artpool - POOLWELT +43 7683 70213 - Lessigen, 4873 Frankenburg am Hausruck, Austria
Pooldoktor GmbH - Schwimmbecken Selbstbau +43 732 382222 - Kotzinastraße 21, 4030 Linz, Austria
DORA POOL +43 676 4738877 - Salzburger Str. 138, 4600 Wels, Austria
Schwimmbecken AUSTRIA POOL Verkauf und Sanierung +43 680 4035513 Services: General repairs & maintenance, Fiberglass swimming pool construction, Jetted lap pool construction, Inground pool installation, Custom Swimming pool design, Swimming pool resurfacing, Above ground pool installation, Swimming pool crack repair, Swimming pool equipment repair, Winterization, Swimming pool summerization, Folienauskleidung für pools, Poolheizung, Poolabdeckung, Ceramicpools, Polyesterpool, Vinylester Pools, Pooltransporte, Poolfolie, Poolauskleidung, Folienauskleidung, Poolsanierung Simmeringer Hauptstraße 91, 1110 Wien, Austria
DIFI Handelsgesellschaft mbH | Photovoltaikmontage und Handel +43 676 4229459 Services: Solarmontage, Poolchemie, Poolwärmepumpen, Poolroboter, Solarduschen, Dachmontage, Batteriespeicher, Energiekonzepte Freiung 14 (keine Warenabholung, 4600 Wels, Austria
ZGONC Specialists - Branch Wels +43 7242 56767 - Oberfeldstraße 106, 4600 Wels, Austria

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